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What to Expect

New Hope Baptist Church is a Reformed Baptist Church. Our worship is simple, consisting of prayer, singing and preaching. The prayer is corporate and members are encouraged to pray. The music consists of psalms, hymns and some more modern spiritual songs. The sermons are exegetical (i.e. taken from a text of scripture and expounded from their context). The goal is to instruct the mind, prick the heart and move the will, not merely to increase intellectual knowledge. We desire to be doers of the Word, not hearers only. Difficult subjects, passages and doctrines are not avoided. Books of the Bible are preached through verse by verse, but the pastor also preaches on various themes from time to time.

After the service, we have a fellowship meal together each Sunday. Members are assigned jobs for cleaning up afterward, so that everyone helps and no one is worn out. After clean-up, we have an afternoon service, which varies between communion services, hymn sings, stand alone Bible studies and sermons, and evangelistic outreaches.