As our world continues to fall apart, it's critical that we recognize our common bond in Jesus Christ and the importance of fellowship with other believers. Our goal is to help facilitate the opportunity for individuals from sovereign grace churches across the states to connect and forge deeper relationships with and be better equipped to serve alongside one another in the kingdom especially as our society continues to digress.

Learn more through the FAQ's section below and we hope you will prayerfully consider joining us or sharing this with others who may be interested in attending an upcoming event!

NOTE: The next retreat (our seventh) is October 5th-9th, 2023. Please reach out to us at if you have any questions or would like more information about the event. The cost for this retreat is $70 for singles and $110 for couples. We do welcome you to bring your young kiddos -- please reach out to us if you are considering this so that we can be in communication about cost and logistics. 

You can register for this retreat at the following link:


Who is this retreat for?
The retreat is for believers who are age 19-35 (single and young marrieds). It is called the Sovereign Grace Connections Retreat because it is for believers who hold to the Doctrines of Grace. We are not trying to be exclusive. Our purpose is simply for like-minded believers to be able to gather together in person and enjoy fellowshipping with fellow believers of the same theological disposition. As noted in the registration form, this retreat is not intended to convince anyone to change their core theological beliefs nor is it planned as a witnessing event, although testimony sharing is a big part of it!

For this reason, the retreat is designed for believers who generally agree with doctrinal statements found the in the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith and the 1833 New Hampshire Baptist Confession of Faith. For the record, we look to scripture as the final authority on all things and simply utilize these confessions to concisely state our theological position.

Note: In order to secure your reservation at an event in registration, you will need to attach a letter of recommendation from your pastor stating that you are in good standing with your church.

The recommendation would say something like this: "John/Jane Doe is a member in good standing in our church (or a regular attender in good standing). I recommend him as a participant in the Sovereign Grace Connections Retreat." Signed Pastor __________.

Pictures of signed recommendation forms can be sent to

What do event logistics look like?
Events vary from retreat to retreat. So far, we have been in six different states. Details regarding upcoming retreats are sent out 3-6 months before each event. Meals and Lodging also change depending on event location. Traditionally, there is both indoor and outdoor accommodations available and a team from the host church or the venue provide the meals.

If I'm unable to attend the entire event, is it possible for me to come for part of it?
Yes! We want as many individuals to join us as possible. If you will only be attending part of the event, please be sure to let us know on the registration form so that we can contact you regarding cost and details.

What does the event outline usually look like?
The official event begins on Friday morning and continues through Sunday evening, but we will also have casual events starting on Thursday evening and a breakfast on Monday morning. During the retreat, we have teaching sessions, team building activities, a folk dance, and times of fellowship.

Is there a dress code?
Yes. In addition to practical points to note in regards to location and weather, we request that attendees to dress modestly as well. Due to the wide variety of views on modesty in Christian circles we ask that you avoid tank tops, low necklines, and tight or revealing clothing. Girls, out of consideration for our brothers in Christ, please avoid shorts that come above the knees. We are not trying to be overbearing, we are just hoping to keep the retreat a God-honoring environment and be respectful of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Is there an alcohol policy?
Yes. This is a non-alcoholic event. Because there are a variety of convictions when it comes to alcohol, we do not have alcohol at retreats and ask that you do not bring any with you to the event. What you do on your own time is between you and the Lord, but at events, we desire to have a distraction free environment and do not want to cause any undue pressure or a stumbling block in the way of our fellow believers.